eBook: Philosophy of Transformative Experience (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Michael Campbell 
系列: Routledge Studies in Contemporary Philosophy
分類: Literary studies: general ,
Phenomenology & Existentialism ,
Ethics & moral philosophy ,
Social & political philosophy ,
Society & culture: general ,
Social & cultural anthropology, ethnography ,
Politics & government  
書城編號: 28595282

售價: $520.00

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製造商: Taylor & Francis
出版日期: 2024/10/11
頁數: 218
ISBN: 9781040130292
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This volume examines the nature and significance of transformative experiences as they occur across a variety of contexts in human life. By treating these events as social as well as individual phenomena, the essays bring to light the various ways in which cultural and institutional forces influence narratives of personal change. The ease with which we identify transformative experiences shows their importance for our sense of the potentialities inherent in human life, even while their disruptive character threatens confidence in our capability to make rational decisions concerning our future well-being. Yet, narratives of transformation are not just individual artefacts, but are also given support and structure through social forces including shared languages, practices, and institutions. What are the cultural and institutional contexts which enable this form of self-conceptualisation, and what happens when social changes undermine the cogency of these narratives? The chapters in this volume investigate these issues through a blend of philosophical theory and applied cases, working across the disciplinary boundaries of philosophy and social anthropology. Contributors investigate topics including recovery from trauma; the role of narratives in gender transition; climate activism; the ethical ramifications of war; the role of media in framing narratives of ethical change; and the university as a site of transformative experience. The Philosophy of Transformative Experience will be of interest to philosophers working in ethics, political philosophy, and decision theory, as well as scholars and advanced students in anthropology, sociology, and literary studies.
Routledge Studies in Contemporary Philosophy

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Michael Campbell 作者作品表

eBook: Philosophy of Transformative Experience (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Philosophy of Transformative Experience (DRM PDF)

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eBook: Physical Geography of El Salvador: A Geophysical and Ecological Approach (DRM PDF)

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eBook: Self-Sabotage: Recognize and Change Self Destructive Behavior (DRM EPUB)

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