eBook: Early Childhood and the Asian American Experience: Exploring Intersectionality and Addressing Misrepresentations (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Sohyun "Soh" Meacham, Su-Jeong Wee, Jinhee Kim, Sophia Han, Wu-Ying Hsieh 
分類: Gender studies, gender groups ,
Ethnic studies ,
Sociology ,
Philosophy & theory of education ,
Multicultural education ,
Pre-school & kindergarten ,
Teaching of specific groups & persons with special educational needs  
書城編號: 28595661

售價: $507.00

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製造商: Taylor & Francis
出版日期: 2024/10/07
頁數: 170
ISBN: 9781040146774
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This essential and urgent book presents research-based understandings about Asian American early childhood, bringing to light the battle Asian Americans face against American nativism from their early years' experiences. The first of its kind in academic literature, the book addresses the well-known issue of underrepresentation of Asian Americans in early childhood education research and practice, and in American society in general. Using the intersectionality and multiple identities perspectives, the authors explore a myriad of inaccurate cultural perceptions and misrepresentations, centering within-group differences among Asian American children and giving particular attention to disempowered groups among them. Issues related to socioeconomic status, gender, dis/abilities, linguistic backgrounds, and minority groups among Asian American populations are addressed, with implications for researchers and educators as well as context for examining the policies that cause inequities among Asian American children. This book is key reading for early childhood education researchers, professors, and graduate students to become more productively engaged in discussions and practices toward racial justice.

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