eBook: Future of Fashion Education: Speculation, Experience and Collaboration (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Kirsten Scott, Barry Curtis, Claire Pajaczkowska 
系列: Responsible Fashion
分類: The arts: general issues ,
Fashion & textiles: design ,
Philosophy & theory of education ,
Higher & further education, tertiary education ,
Economics ,
Business & management ,
Service industries ,
Fashion & beauty industries  
書城編號: 28595933

售價: $520.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Taylor & Francis
出版日期: 2024/10/18
頁數: 252
ISBN: 9781040153352
>> 相關實體書

Fashion education is changing. Not only is it preparing students for induction into the ethos and business practices of a wide variety of design, manufacturing, distribution, marketing, retailing, and promotional activities, it is also offering understanding and empowerment for meeting the challenges of sustainability, decolonisation, and new business models. This book presents 20 essays by cosmopolitan thinkers, activists, and designers to explore new challenges and potentials for fashion education.The chapters comprise case studies, manifestos, and detailed analyses of the realpolitik of collaborating across continents and more sustained overviews of the imminent crises and prospective challenges that face practitioners. Recurring themes include the geopolitics of globalisation, the imbalances between North and South, decolonisation, intersectionality, exploitation, cultural appropriation, and social justice. The thought-provoking contributions show that, although we confront a common challenge in shaping the future of education, we have varied approaches and opportunities to address a transforming industry.This edited collection addresses the issues of greatest concern to students, designers, lecturers and researchers in fashion and allied fields of creative design and as such will find a varied audience.
Responsible Fashion

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The Future of Fashion Education: Speculation, Experience and Collaboration (Hardcover)

eBook: Future of Fashion Education: Speculation, Experience and Collaboration (DRM PDF)

eBook: Future of Fashion Education: Speculation, Experience and Collaboration (DRM EPUB)

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