eBook: Humanising Safety: A Four-Step Approach (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Tim D'Ath 
分類: Psychological theory & schools of thought ,
Social, group or collective psychology ,
Occupational & industrial psychology ,
Psychology: emotions ,
Cognition & cognitive psychology ,
The self, ego, identity, personality ,
Economics ,
Management: leadership & motivation ,
Organizational theory & behaviour ,
Health & safety issues ,
The environment ,
Engineering: general ,
Ergonomics ,
Hydraulic engineering ,
Environmental science, engineering & technology  
書城編號: 28595956

售價: $390.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: CRC Press
出版日期: 2024/10/22
頁數: 108
ISBN: 9781040154205
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The world of safety for professionals can often be unclear. In an industry that divides the safety world into one of two camps, either traditional or contemporary safety, the lack of knowledge continues to propagate through books, publications, podcasts, social media, and conferences, leaving safety professionals feeling more muddled than informed.Humanising Safety: A Four-Step Approach provides a practical approach to human-centric safety collating the best elements of traditional and contemporary approaches for safety professionals to practise at work. By following this approach, readers will learn to apply humanistic safety principles to any workplace where safety is valued. This book explores the realm of human-centric safety and its intricacies, unpacking topics such as the contradictions and dilemmas of workplace safety, the psychology of safety, the human condition and its contribution to the safety of work, and how safety leaders can synthesise the collective knowledge, skills, expertise, and lived experiences of the people who make up an organisation. Featuring micro-projects for readers to refer to and work through within their organisations, this book allows the reader to navigate the vast sea of information surrounding the opportunities and pitfalls of traditional and contemporary safety approaches through a lens of human-centric safety.This is an easy-to-read book that will appeal to professionals at all career levels where safety is critical to their role, including those in construction, utilities, manufacturing, mining, civil, aviation, and maritime sectors.
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