This fourth collection by Professor Andre Gouron presents a set of twenty studies on jurisprudence, jurists and legal practice in the 12th and 13th centuries. The focus is on the schools and traditions of Bologna and in France, but the coverage includes canon, Roman and customary law. The first part deals with theories diffused by the jurists of Bologna and France and the literary genres in which they expressed these theories, particularly on questions of presumptions, proof, and illicit conditions. In the second section the author looks at some of the persons involved in the juridical renaissance of this period, and at some of the effects of the legal doctrines being taught on royal legislation, procedure, the fiscal system, and urban autonomy. Ce volume - le quatrieme de l'auteur dans cette collection - reunit vingt articles du professeur Gouron. Onze de ces articles forment une premiere partie, consacree aux theories diffusees par les juristes de Bologne ou de France et aux genres litteraires A travers lesquels s'expriment ces theories, notamment en matiere de presomptions, de preuve par temoins ou de conditions illicites. La seconde partie du volume rassemble neuf articles qui traitent de divers acteurs, celebres ou obscurs, de la renaissance juridique, ainsi que des effets des doctrines enseignees par les romanistes et les canonistes sur la legislation royale, la procedure, le systeme fiscal et l'autonomie urbaine.