More, Fewer, Less (hardcover)
作者: Tana Hoban 
分類: Early learning: numbers & counting  
書城編號: 286012

原價: HK$180.00
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出版社: Greenwillow Books
出版日期: 1998/10/29
重量: 0.34 kg
ISBN: 9780688156930

Tana Hoban knows what fires the eyes and minds of her young admirers the world over. And with every click of her camera, she zooms in on a new discovery--like this treasure trove, a full-color lesson on quantities. Look at the stacks of brightly colored teacups, the racks of shiny new shoes, the bin full of mouth-watering candies. Where are there more? Or fewer? Or where is there less? The questions and answers depend on what (and how) you see. Like the distinctive photographs, it's all a matter of vision.
Tana Hoban 作者作品表

Black & White in Colour (UK ANZ edition) (Board book)

Black & White in Color (Board Books)




Black White (Paperback)

Black & White (hardcover)



Cubes, Cones, Cylinders, & Spheres (hardcover)

More, Fewer, Less (hardcover)

Exactly the Opposite (paperback)

Look Book (hardcover)

Is It Larger? Is It Smaller? (paperback)

Shapes, Shapes, Shapes (paperback)

26 Letters and 99 Cents (paperback)

Who Are They? (hardcover)

What Is That? (hardcover)

White on Black (hardcover)

I Read Signs (paperback)

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