eBook: My Life as a Cowboy (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Hugo Timbrell 
系列: Modern Plays
分類: Plays, playscripts ,
Literary studies: plays & playwrights  
書城編號: 28629758

售價: $129.00

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製造商: Bloomsbury Publishing
出版日期: 2024/09/06
頁數: 72
ISBN: 9781350519220
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Country is cool now I think it's coolConor is 17. He lives with his mum in Croydon. He works at a leisure centre. He's gay. Life is not what he expected, and he's worried he might be well, a loser. He dreams of moving away, of being noticed, of being a somebody. When he hears about an opportunity to perform on stage at the very questionable Croydon People's Day, he hatches a plan to indulge his passion of Country Western dancing and show the world just how cool he is. But he needs help. Enter best friend Zainab and fellow lifeguard Michael. Can they be convinced that this isn't in fact the biggest loser plan ever? Might they even join Conor on stage for his debut Country Western bonanza performance? In My Life as a Cowboy, Bruntwood Prize-longlisted playwright Hugo Timbrell's hilarious and heart-warming story of friendship, courage and cowboy dance moves, these three unlikely teenagers learn what it really means to dance, to embrace your weird side, and to show up for your mates. This edition was published to coincide with the Omnibus Theatre production in August 2024.
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... [顯示此系列所有商品]

Hugo Timbrell 作者作品表

eBook: My Life as a Cowboy (DRM PDF)

eBook: My Life as a Cowboy (DRM EPUB)

My Life as a Cowboy (Paperback)

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