eBook: Oliver's Great Big Universe: Volcanoes are Hot!: A Times Children's Book of the Week (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Jorge Cham 
系列: Oliver's Great Big Universe
分類: General fiction (Children's / Teenage) ,
School stories (Children's / Teenage) ,
Natural history (Children’s/Teenage) ,
Science & technology: general interest (Children's / Teenage) ,
Educational: Geography ,
Educational: Chemistry  
書城編號: 28687809

售價: $102.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Simon & Schuster UK
出版日期: 2024/09/26
頁數: 224
ISBN: 9781398520264
>> 相關實體書

';Mind-expanding and hilarious!' Jeff Kinney, author of the bestselling DIARY OF A WIMPY KID series.Abrainy guide to the barfs, farts and burps of Planet Earth.The TimesThe second book in the hilarious series that makes you laugh-out-loud AND grows your brain. Perfect for readers age 8+ and fans ofDiary of a Wimpy KidandThe 13-Storey Treehouse. Hi, I'm Oliver! Writing a book has made me kind of a celebrity around school no big deal. But does that mean everything is perfect? No way! I'm still trying to figure out the usual stuff: schoolcliques, weirdfamily, and how to finally win thescience fair. While I may know EVERYTHING about space, there's a lot to learn about the planet we live on, like: volcanic burps and bacteria farts how the Earth's layers are like boba tea aliens! (Are we the aliens?) From bestselling writerand robotics engineerJorge Cham,Oliver's Great Big Universe: Volcanoes Are Hot!is the second book in a STEM-themed, diary-style series.
Oliver's Great Big Universe
Jorge Cham 作者作品表

Out of Your Mind: The Biggest Mysteries of the Human Brain (Hardcover)

eBook: Oliver's Great Big Universe: Volcanoes are Hot!: A Times Children's Book of the Week (DRM EPUB)

Oliver's Great Big Universe: Volcanoes are Hot! (Hardcover)

Oliver's Great Big Universe: Volcanoes Are Hot! (Oliver's Great Big Universe #2) (Hardcover)

eBook: Oliver's Great Big Universe: Volcanoes Are Hot! (Oliver's Great Big Universe #2) (DRM EPUB)

Oliver's Great Big Universe: the laugh-out-loud new illustrated series about school, space and everything in between! (Paperback)

Elinor Wonders Why: The Search for Baby Butterflies (Paperback)

Elinor Wonders Why: Backyard Soup (Paperback)

Oliver's Great Big Universe (Compact Disc)

Oliver's Great Big Universe (MP3 CD)

eBook: Oliver's Great Big Universe: the laugh-out-loud new illustrated series about school, space and everything in between! (DRM EPUB)

Oliver's Great Big Universe (Hardcover)

Oliver's Great Big Universe (Hardcover)

Elinor Wonders Why: The Seed of an Idea (Paperback)

Elinor Wonders Why: The Mystery of the Zigzag Plant (Paperback)

We Have No Idea (Paperback)

Oliver's Great Big Universe: Volcanoes are Hot!: A Times Children's Book of the Week (Paperback)

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