eBook: Literacy in the Disciplines: A Teacher's Guide for Grades 5-12 (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Thomas DeVere Wolsey, Diane Lapp 
分類: Primary & middle schools ,
Teacher training ,
Teaching skills & techniques  
書城編號: 28690782

售價: $429.00

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製造商: Guilford Publications
出版日期: 2024/07/30
頁數: 282
ISBN: 9781462555321
>> 相關實體書

This successful guide--now in a revised and expanded second edition--gives teachers effective strategies to support adolescents development of relevant literacy skills in specific disciplines. Demonstrating why disciplinary literacies matter, the authors discuss ways to teach close reading of complex texts; discipline-specific argumentation, communication, and writing skills; academic vocabulary; and more. The book draws on revealing interviews with content-area experts and professionals in history, science, mathematics, literature, the arts, and physical education. Teacher-friendly tools include 21 reproducible forms that also can be downloaded and printed, Try It On! practice activities, lesson plans, chapter anticipation guides, and links to recommended online teaching videos. New to This Edition *Chapter on assessment. *Chapter on disciplinary literacies beyond school--in civic, professional, and personal life. *Expanded coverage of math, more attention to evidence and sources used in different disciplines, new and updated expert interviews, and advice on how both teachers and students can use AI tools productively. *Anticipation guides that invite reflection on key questions before, during, and after reading most chapters.

Diane Lapp 作者作品表

Grade 4 Dive Into Close Reading 76-Book Set (Hardcover)

Grade 3 Dive Into Close Reading 76-Book Set (Hardcover)

Grade 1 Dive Into Close Reading 76-Book Set (Hardcover)

Kindergarten Dive Into Close Reading 76-Book Set (Hardcover)

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