eBook: Operations Analysis in the United States Army Eighth Air Force in World War II (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: C. W McArthur 
分類: History of mathematics  
書城編號: 28691582

原價: HK$1872.00
現售: HK$1778.4 節省: HK$93.6

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製造商: American Mathematical Society
出版日期: 2024/09/07
頁數: 349
ISBN: 9781470477882
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Operations research grew out of the application of the scientific method to certain problems of war during World War II. This book tells the story of how operations research became an important activity in the Eighth Air Force. The author emphasizes the people involved in these historical events, rather than the technical matters with which they dealt. Focusing on a time of great importance in the history of this century, the book reveals the vital role this group of civilian scientists played in the defeat of Germany.
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