In this steampunk sequel to The Impossible Cube, two adventurers must find a way inside a kingdom on the brink of war to save themselves and the world. As Gavin Ennock pilots his airship, the Lady of Liberty, to China, his fiancée, Lady Alice Michaels prays they make it in time. The Clockwork Plague consumes Gavin’s body and mind, driving him increasingly mad—and driving a wedge between him and Alice. Their only hope lies in China with the Dragon Men. But a power-hungry general has seized the Chinese throne, intending to conquer Asia, Britain, and the world. He has also closed the country’s borders to foreigners. Meanwhile, the former ruling dynasty is plotting to return the throne’s rightful heir to power. Seeing their opportunity, the two travelers dive into a political power struggle where one false move could spell doom for Gavin and the entire world. “[The Dragon Men] continues to demonstrate its original premise and to showcase the inventive pair who strive to save a world.” —Library Journal “My favorite book in the series yet. I’m not sure whether that’s because I’ve become so enamored with the world of the Clockwork Empire as a whole, or that the action sequences are nearly relentless, which a definite plus in this case.” —That’s What I’m Talking About