eBook: Tigga Mac's Cake Hacks: Unbelievably fun and easy children's birthday cakes (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Tigga Mac 
分類: Cooking for/with children ,
Cooking for parties ,
Cooking with chocolate ,
Cakes, baking, icing & sugarcraft  
書城編號: 28708645

售價: $286.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Ebury Publishing
出版日期: 2024/09/26
頁數: 224
ISBN: 9781529929683
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Solve the kids birthday cake dilemma with 30 achievable, affordable and amazing-looking cake hacks from internet sensation Tigga Mac!If you need inspiration and instruction, look no further than Tigga Mac s Cake Hacks from the Aussie cake artist adored across social media.From frogs to mermaids, sandcastles to ice-cream trucks, you re sure to find something your little one will LOVE in this colourful collection of cake creations with its six themed chapters:- Whimsical and Wonderful- Farmyard Friends- Tracks, Wheels and Automobiles- Slimy Scales, Teeth and Tails- Creepy, Kooky and All Things Spooky- True Aussie DelightsAnd no baking skills (or big budget) needed! You can make these creations with affordable shop-bought sponge cakes or homemade ones. Simply follow Tigga s step-by-step decorating instructions from start to finish, all accompanied by clear photography and a full-page shot of the finished cake to guide you. The hacks are graded easy, medium and hard, so you can choose one that suits your skills, time and ambitions. And for the more challenging cakes, QR codes will lead you to follow-along video tutorials to help you on your path to birthday cake glory!Tigga is loved by millions for her joyful energy, easy-going vibe and down-to-earth creativity. Written with longtime friend and business partner, Katie Scoble, Tigga has designed this book with parents and caregivers in mind to make the process of creating a celebration cake straightforward, foolproof and fun!Okie Dokie - let's CAKE!
Tigga Mac 作者作品表

Tigga Mac's Cake Hacks: Unbelievably fun and easy children's birthday cakes (Paperback)

eBook: Tigga Mac's Cake Hacks: Unbelievably fun and easy children's birthday cakes (DRM EPUB)

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