eBook: Alchemy of Nine Dimensions: Activating the Full Spectrum of Consciousness (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Barbara Hand Clow, Gerry Clow, Judith Corvin-Blackburn 
分類: Mysticism ,
Quantum physics (quantum mechanics & quantum field theory) ,
Mind, Body, Spirit: thought & practice ,
Mysticism, magic & ritual  
書城編號: 28715148

售價: $221.00

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製造商: Inner Traditions/Bear & Company
出版日期: 2024/11/05
頁數: 320
ISBN: 9781591435440
>> 相關實體書

*; Examines how each dimension influences Earth, its levels of creative expression, and the sciences that describe each one*; Provides meditations to open you to the experience of each dimension and all nine dimensions as an integrated whole*; Includes new evidence for the nine dimensions from the supercomputer Blue Brain Project and recently discovered ancient technologyAs revealed by the Pleiadians via renowned author Barbara Hand Clow, Earth holds nine dimensions of consciousness that humans can currently access. Long ago, the ability to access all nine dimensions was natural for humans. As we collectively heal from ancestral trauma and enter the Age of Light, our access to the nine dimensions is reopening and our ability to learn from and consciously utilize these higher intelligences in our lives is being restored.In this illuminating guide, Barbara Hand Clow shows how the nine dimensions of consciousness are now being verified by contemporary science. She explains how the first dimension is the center of the Earth and the source of grounding ourselves, the second is between Earth's center and the surface, the third is linear space and time experienced on Earth's crust, the fourth is the realm of our collective mind, and the higher five celestial dimensions are where we contact the transcendent. She examines how each dimension influences Earth, the sciences that operate there, and the levels of creative expression available. Additionally, Gerry Clow has provided both written and audio meditations to open you to the experience of each dimension and all nine dimensions as an integrated whole.In this 20th anniversary edition, Clow includes updates from her continuing research, including evidence from the supercomputer Blue Brain Project, which mapped nine dimensions in the human brain. She also describes how recent discoveries of ancient technology mirror the Pleiadian dimensional system. Providing a journey through the complex ideas of both modern science and esoteric wisdom, this guide allows you to awaken to the full spectrum of multidimensional consciousness and to connect deeply to the center of our planet and the Divine Cosmos that surrounds us all.
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