eBook: Business and Management in the Age of Intangible Capitalism (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Hamid Yeganeh 
分類: International economics ,
Business & management ,
Management & management techniques  
書城編號: 28720555

原價: HK$234.00
現售: HK$222.3 節省: HK$11.7

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製造商: Business Expert Press
出版日期: 2024/09/26
頁數: 146
ISBN: 9781637427194
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Business and Management in the Age of Intangible Capitalism focuses on intangible assets and their repercussions for business and society.The rise of intangible capitalism is a complex socio-economic phenomenon that has gained momentum in recent years, as 90% of the value of S&P 500 companies consists of intangible assets. The prevalence of intangible capitalism represents a paradigmatic shift, suggesting a departure from conventional business practices for multiple compelling reasons. The change affects fundamental aspects of business, including strategy, competitive advantage, organizational structure, investment practices, marketing approaches, and even business valuations. Furthermore, intangible assets, directly or indirectly, have substantial implications for society and our daily lives.Business and Management in the Age of Intangible Capitalism focuses on intangible assets and their repercussions for business and society. It provides insights into the evolving landscape of intangible capitalism, where wealth generation is increasingly based on invisible elements.This volume serves as a critical resource for managers, scholars, and citizens navigating the complexities of the modern intangible economy.
Hamid Yeganeh 作者作品表

Business and Management in the Age of Intangible Capitalism (Paperback)

eBook: Business and Management in the Age of Intangible Capitalism (DRM PDF)

eBook: Business and Management in the Age of Intangible Capitalism (DRM EPUB)

Social, Cultural, and Technological Trends in the Contemporary World (2 Revised edition) (Paperback)

Making Sense of Iranian Society and Business (Paperback)

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