eBook: Poison Path Grimoire: Dark Herbalism, Poison Magic, and Baneful Allies (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Coby Michael 
分類: Magic, alchemy & hermetic thought ,
Witchcraft ,
Traditional medicine & herbal remedies ,
Magic, spells & alchemy ,
Witchcraft & Wicca  
書城編號: 28722236

售價: $195.00

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製造商: Inner Traditions/Bear & Company
出版日期: 2024/11/05
頁數: 240
ISBN: 9781644119969
>> 相關實體書

*; Shares a detailed formulary, including rituals, magical correspondences, and recipes for working with the baneful herbs of occult herbalism*; Looks at the plants of fate and the divination practices they support, love magic with poison plants, shadow work and spell work, the devil's garden, and the use of nightshades as power plants for medicine and magic*; Explores poison history, lore, occult toxicology, and the alchemical power of working with poisonExamining the art and science of working with noxious and malefic plants and fungi, Coby Michael discusses the occult properties of poison and how poison plants can be used in spell work and other magical operations. He looks at the plants of Fate and the divination practices they support, love magic with poison plants, shadow work, the devil's garden, and the use of nightshades as power plants for medicine and magic. Presenting a detailed formulary, he shares rituals, magical correspondences, and recipes for working with specific poison plant allies and other baneful herbs of occult herbalism.Exploring the path of dark herbalism, the author explains how it encompasses not only veneficiumpoisonous plants and fungibut all plants that humanity has tried to forget, from ';invasive' plants and those we can't domesticate to those that have been regulated arbitrarily or simply feared as ';toxic' or ';poison.' He shows how the dark herbalist seeks out plants that are adversarial or taboo because the qualities we consider ';dark' are really the plant's spiritual medicine and can offer powerful wisdom and healing. Examining poison history, lore, and occult toxicology, he explains how the aim of using these plants is not to cause physical death, but rather death of the ego. He shows how ';poison' in this sense is an alchemical force that allows the practitioner to become a vessel for the forbidden fruit of knowledge and how the transmutation of our personal poisons can lead to powerful self-transformation.
Coby Michael 作者作品表

eBook: Poison Path Grimoire: Dark Herbalism, Poison Magic, and Baneful Allies (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Herbolario de la senda de los venenos: Hierbas nocivas, solanaceas medicinales y enteogenos rituales (DRM EPUB)

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