A Sweet Passover (hardcover)
作者: Leslea Newman 
分類: Family & home stories (Children's / Teenage) ,
Religion & beliefs: general interest (Children's / Teenage)  
書城編號: 287223

原價: HK$180.00
現售: HK$171 節省: HK$9

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出版社: Abrams Books for Young Readers
出版日期: 2012/03/01
重量: 0.53 kg
ISBN: 9780810997370
>> 相關電子書

In this charming and humorous story, Miriam discovers--with the help of her family and a little matzah bread--the true meaning and importance of Passover. Miriam loves spending time with her family during Passover, and all week long she is happy to eat lots of matzah. But when she wakes up on the last day of the holiday, she is sick of matzah and refuses to eat it ever again. Then Grandpa makes his special matzah brei for the whole family, and Miriam learns there's more to Passover than just the matzah.

Award-winning illustrator David Slonim brings to life this story by celebrated author Lesl a Newman. The book includes a recipe for matzah brei, a brief summary of the Passover holiday, and a glossary of terms.

Praise for A Sweet Passover "Deliciously traditional." -Kirkus Reviews

Sydney Taylor Book Award - Notable book, Younger Readers Category, 2013

Leslea Newman 作者作品表

Hanukkah (Paperback)

Hanukkah (Hardcover)

Joyful Song: A Naming Story (Hardcover)

The Babka Sisters (Hardcover)

The Babka Sisters (Paperback)

eBook: Babka Sisters (DRM EPUB)

I Can Be... Me! (Hardcover)

ABC Cats: An Alpha-Cat Book (Board book)

123 Cats: A Cat Counting Book (Board book)

Welcoming Elijah: A Passover Tale with a Tail (hardcover)

eBook: Baby's Blessings (DRM EPUB)

Gittel's Journey: An Ellis Island Story (Hardcover)

Heather Has Two Mummies (Paperback)

eBook: My Name is Aviva (DRM EPUB)

Heather Has Two Mummies (Hardcover)

A Sweet Passover (hardcover)

Donovan's Big Day (Hardcover)

Dotty (Hardcover)

Daddy, Papa and Me (Hardcover)

Mommy, Mama and Me (Hardcover)

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