eBook: Reversing the Spiral of Depression for Teens: Simple Actions to Improve Your Mood, Boost Motivation, and Build the Life You Want (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Amy Mezulis, Janet Shibley Hyde 
分類: Coping with illness & specific conditions ,
Self-help & personal development ,
Complementary therapies, healing & health ,
Personal & social issues: self-awareness & self-esteem (Children's / Teenage)  
書城編號: 28723649

原價: HK$201.00
現售: HK$190.95 節省: HK$10.05

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製造商: New Harbinger Publications
出版日期: 2024/09/01
ISBN: 9781648483486
>> 相關實體書

Depression is just part of being a teenager, right? A global pandemic. Climate change. School shootings. Cyberbullying. Racial violence. War. Not to mention school, money, relationships, social media, parental expectations, and pressure, pressure, pressure. Our world and our minds can be pretty dark places, and you're not alone if you're struggling or feeling stuck. But what if you could stop that spiral of depression and reverse it? You may not be able to change the world around you, but you can change how you respond to it. Written by a clinical psychologist specializing in adolescent mental health, this engaging guide offers an array of prompts, quizzes, exercises, and other activities you can use to jumpstart your motivation and turn destructive thoughts and behaviors into positive outlooks and actions that lead to a more promising future. Combining new research in neuroscience with cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and behavioral activation, the activities in this guide will help you understand and identify: What depression is, what causes it, and why is it so prevalent in teens? Why you? What specific conditions in your life, your brain, your body, and your experience are making you feel this way? Why managing stress is a much better coping strategy than trying to avoid it Small, no-pressure steps you can take to start rebuilding motivation (and why doing stuff is better than not doing stuff) How to set, reach, and build on healthy, realistic goals that leverage your unique strengths If you're ready to reverse the spiral of depression and start living the fun and engaging life you deserve, this activity book can help you get started. So, grab a pencil, get comfortable, and let's do this.In these increasingly challenging times, kids and teens need mental health resources more than ever. With more than 3 million copies sold worldwide and translated into 260 languages, Instant Help Books are easy to use, proven-effective, and recommended by therapists.

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