電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Prof. Mustafa Y.G. Younis 
分類: Diets & dieting ,
Green lifestyle & self-sufficiency  
書城編號: 28724505

原價: HK$52.00
現售: HK$49.4 節省: HK$2.6

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製造商: iUniverse
出版日期: 2024/09/03
頁數: 194
ISBN: 9781663265869

Coffee is a dark drink ranging from brown to black with a bitter taste. Coffee is prepared from boiling ground coffee. Coffee beans are collected from the all-year greenery coffee tree. The beans are roasted and grinded, then prepared. Many people in the Middle East add cardamom and coriander to their coffee, which gives it pleasant smells that ecstasy the soul so that it cannot resist its temptation, when we drink it, our souls are refreshed and it provides us with a good mood and makes us feel peaceful and comfortable. The word coffee was derived from the name of the town of Caffa in Abyssinia (Ethiopia). Other evidence reported that the coffee tree originated from Yemen, where it was exported from the city of Mocha (thus coffee called Mocha Caffe). If I ask you about your favorite drink and your answer is coffee, don t be surprised, you are among the millions of people who consider coffee their only choice. According to Insider Monkey, People consume more than 500 billion coffee cups/year around the globe. Drinking coffee every morning, gives a person a wonderful mood, mental clarity, and a sense of happiness and brilliance. Coffee also has a role in the permanence of intimacy between people, whether they are friends or loved ones, relatives or strangers. Coffee in cold weather gives us warmth and tranquility, and many people love it every sunrise before going to work to clear their minds and arrange their thoughts. The book devoted an extensive section to clarifying the positive role of coffee on human health, and its beneficial effects on all organs and systems of the human body were explained. Through listing the results of medical research, it became clear to us that coffee has a clear positive effect on human health in general if it is consumed in moderate quantities and without excess.
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