This is our time! Whether you are in the middle of your work years, near theend of your work years, or into your retirement years, it s an exciting time tobe an older adult. We have so much more living, loving, and learning to do;and so much more to share. We only get to be here once, and we don t knowhow much time we have left. What we do know is, time is a non-renewableresource. Once passed it cannot be replaced, made up, or anything else. It isgone, leaving us with much regret. So, make the most of it. The game is notover. In fact, the game is just beginning!The purpose of this book is to encourage and empower each of us to ignite ourspirit, identify our purpose, take action, continue to grow, get out and play. This is our time to do what we love, connect to our purpose, and live life tothe fullest. To experience life in all its abundance.