eBook: Stepping Fully into Life: The Journey of Rediscovering Your True Nature (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Lynn Goodwin 
分類: Mind, Body, Spirit  
書城編號: 28724547

原價: HK$52.00
現售: HK$49.4 節省: HK$2.6

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製造商: Archway Publishing
出版日期: 2024/08/08
頁數: 230
ISBN: 9781665760393
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We have a deep human desire to manifest a life for ourselves that is most aligned with who we are and who we are always evolving into. We strive to outwardly express our uniqueness, and creativity, and contribute to life while also remaining close to our soul - the source of our innermost joy. Stepping Fully into Life explores the many ways you can come back to your Self and with that, authentically create a life that you adore. This guide invites you on a journey of self-discovery to explore your human and spiritual nature. By honoring and caring for both, you can manifest a life led by your innermost Self. During our lifetime, there exists a constant conversation between these two aspects of our nature, an ongoing relationship and learning. We experience all of life through our human form and choose how to live and act in the world. We also access limitless possibilities by connecting with our soul through ordinary life experiences. We can create the conditions for remembering our Self and for living a meaningful life. From a place of true inner bliss, we can manifest a life where all our relationships, work, recreation, pursuits, and pleasures emerge from the most genuine reflections of who we are. In this self-inquiry guide, Ayurvedic wisdom meets modern-day poets and writers to empower and direct you toward connecting with your true nature and living the truest expression of yourself.
Lynn Goodwin 作者作品表

eBook: Stepping Fully into Life: The Journey of Rediscovering Your True Nature (DRM EPUB)

Stepping Fully into Life: The Journey of Rediscovering Your True Nature (Paperback)

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