eBook: It's Your Body: The Young Woman's Guide to Empowered Sexual Health (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Dena Moes 
分類: Women's health ,
Sex & sexuality, sex manuals  
書城編號: 28725083

售價: $182.00

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製造商: Countryman Press
出版日期: 2024/08/13
頁數: 240
ISBN: 9781682688908
>> 相關實體書

Access to reproductive healthcare is no longer guaranteed and information on the internet is increasingly unreliable, so it's more crucial than ever to be armed with the knowledge to make informed decisions about reproductive health. In It's Your Body, Dena Moes provides a compassionate and informative road map to the complex landscape of reproductive health. She explores topics ranging from birth control methods, emergency contraception and STIs to consent and safe abortion access. Helpful graphs and diagrams make information easy to digest, while thoughtful journal prompts encourage readers to reflect on newfound knowledge, feelings about a changing body and self-care. Combining medical information with a focus on empowerment and autonomy, this guide is a trusted companion, supporting young women in taking control of their sexual health and advocating for the care and respect they deserve.
Dena Moes 作者作品表

eBook: It's Your Body: The Young Woman's Guide to Empowered Sexual Health (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Buddha Sat Right Here: A Family Odyssey Through India and Nepal (DRM EPUB)

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