eBook: Dead of Winter: The Demons, Witches and Ghosts of Christmas (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Sarah Clegg 
分類: Social & cultural history ,
Folklore, myths & legends ,
Social & cultural anthropology, ethnography  
書城編號: 28734547

售價: $169.00

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製造商: Granta Publications
出版日期: 2024/10/10
ISBN: 9781803511542
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As winter comes and the hours of darkness overtake the light, we seek out warmth, good food, and good company. But beneath the jollity and bright enchantment of the festive season, there lurks a darker mood - one that has found expression over the centuries in a host of strange and unsettling traditions and lore. Here, Sarah Clegg takes us on a journey through midwinter to explore the lesser-known Christmas traditions, from English mummers plays and Austrian Krampus runs, to modern pagan rituals at Stonehenge and the night in Finland when a young girl is crowned with candles as St Lucy - a martyred Christian girl who also appears as a witch leading a procession of the dead. At wassails and hoodenings and winter gatherings, attended by ghastly, grinning horses, snatching monsters and mysterious visitors, we discover how these traditions originated and how they changed through the centuries, and we ask ourselves: if we can't keep the darkness entirely at bay, might it be fun to let a little in?
Sarah Clegg 作者作品表

The Dead of Winter: Beware the Krampus and Other Wicked Christmas Creatures (Hardcover)

The Dead of Winter: The Demons, Witches and Ghosts of Christmas (Hardcover)

eBook: Dead of Winter: The Demons, Witches and Ghosts of Christmas (DRM EPUB)

Woman's Lore: 4,000 Years of Sirens, Serpents and Succubi

Woman's Lore: 4,000 Years of Sirens, Serpents and Succubi (Paperback)

Woman's Lore: 4000 Years of Sirens, Serpents and Succubi (Hardcover)

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