eBook: Coastal Mangrove Avifauna (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Jayanta Kumar Mallick 
分類: Ecological science, the Biosphere ,
Birds (ornithology) ,
Deltas, estuaries, coastal regions ,
Climate change ,
India ,
書城編號: 28734712

售價: $1378.00

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製造商: Ethics International Press
出版日期: 2024/07/27
頁數: 740
ISBN: 9781804416273

This book contains a wealth of research combined with almost fifty years of field experience to present this comprehensive review of resident and migratory avian species in the coastal mangrove forests of the Indian-Bangladesh Sundarbans and hinterland. The book gives a general account of the diversity and distribution of resident and migratory avian species with special emphasis on their ecology in a changing climate. It provides a detailed reference source, covering mangroves' spatial heterogeneity and bird diversity; impact of mangroves and non-mangrove vegetation on the birds including provision for food, shelter and reproduction; role of birds in the food web; relationships among bird communities; and impacts on the habitats of the birds. The study of the 580 species in the region shows those better able to adapt to changing environments, and those more sensitive to climate change. Species that are relatively short-lived but reproduce very easily, are able to adapt and respond quickly to changes. Threatened species may be able to recover if governments, wildlife officials, non-government conservationists and other stakeholders can act quickly to support them.
Jayanta Kumar Mallick 作者作品表

eBook: Coastal Mangrove Avifauna (DRM PDF)

Mangrove Tiger: An Ethological Study (Hardcover)

Biodiversity of the Sundarbans: Ethics of Conservation Ecology (1770-2022) (Hardcover)

Ethics of Biodiversity Conservation: An Ecological Study (Hardcover)

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