eBook: The Muses Threnodie: Or Mirthful Mournings on the Death of Master Gall by Henry Adamson (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Henry Adamson, David J. Parkinson 
系列: Scottish Text Society Fifth Series
分類: Poetry by individual poets ,
Early modern history: c 1450/1500 to c 1700 ,
Historical geography ,
Local history ,
c 1600 to c 1700  
書城編號: 28735082

售價: $260.00

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製造商: Boydell & Brewer Ltd
出版日期: 2024/12/17 (快將出版)
頁數: 374
ISBN: 9781805434771
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This edition of a seventeenth-century Scottish poem gives modern audiences insight into the ways previous generations perceived and engaged with local nature and architecture.Henry Adamson's "The Muses Threnodie" (1638) offers insights into the lives, amusements and anxieties of of the residents of the town of Perth. In it, two of Perth's citizens venture out on foot and by boat into the vicinity of their cramped, closely overseen town. In whimsically funny conversations, they observe local natural phenomena and landmarks while discussing the buried, ruined evidence of the region's architectural history. Their perceptions of waterways and landforms highlight their sometimes conflicted understanding of historical change at Perth on the eve of the Scottish National Covenant. The beguilingly inglorious verse in which Henry Adamson clothes his characters' sentiments serves as the outermost layer of several stylistic misdirections, as if to distract official attention from any dangerous contemporary criticism within.
Scottish Text Society Fifth Series

eBook: The Muses Threnodie: Or Mirthful Mournings on the Death of Master Gall by Henry Adamson (DRM PDF)

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Henry Adamson 作者作品表

The Muses Threnodie: Or Mirthful Mournings on the Death of Master Gall by Henry Adamson (Hardcover)

The Muses Threnodie: Or, Mirthful Mournings On The Death Of Mr Gall. Containing Variety Of Pleasant Poetical Descriptions, Moral Instructio (Hardcover

The Muses Threnodie: Or, Mirthful Mournings On The Death Of Mr Gall. Containing Variety Of Pleasant Poetical Descriptions, Moral Instructio (Paperback

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