eBook: Little Instruction Book for Dog Parents: A Hilarious Survival Guide for Dog Owners (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Kate Freeman 
分類: Humour ,
Dogs as pets ,
Gift books  
書城編號: 28735591

原價: HK$117.00
現售: HK$111.15 節省: HK$5.85

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製造商: Summersdale
出版日期: 2024/08/08
ISBN: 9781837993659
>> 相關實體書

This hilarious instruction book is here to help you accept that being a dog parent is not a choice, but a lifestyleYour dog rules your home and your heart. You bend over backwards to cater to their quirks. In fact, you would do anything for your pampered pup. So why is it that they treat your toilet like a cocktail bar, ruin your lawn with their antics, or scoot their butt across the floor when you have guests?Luckily, this no-nonsense survival guide is on hand to help you navigate canine parenthood. Whether you need to learn to never leave food unattended, that they will always choose puddle water over fresh, or simply to understand that there is never an acceptable excuse for showing affection to any other living creature, these pearls of wisdom are sure to make you an elite dog parent in no time.Filled with original illustrations and tongue-in-cheek advice, this sneak peek into the world behind those puppy-dog eyes will make the perfect gift for any dog lover.
Kate Freeman 作者作品表

How to Survive Being a Grandparent: A Hilarious Guide for Grandmas and Grandads (Hardcover)

How to Survive Retirement: A Hilarious Guide for the Recently Retired (Hardcover)

The Little Instruction Book for Seniors: Hilarious Advice for Growing Old Disgracefully (Hardcover)

eBook: Little Instruction Book for Dog Parents: A Hilarious Survival Guide for Dog Owners (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Little Instruction Book for Cat Parents: A Hilarious Survival Guide for Cat Owners (DRM EPUB)

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eBook: Little Instruction Book for Grandparents: Tongue-in-Cheek Advice for Surviving Grandparenthood (DRM EPUB)

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Congratulations You're a Mum (Hardcover)

Little Instruction Book for Dogs (Paperback)

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