eBook: Afro-Centered Futurisms in Our Speculative Fiction (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Bacon Eugen Bacon 
系列: Black Literary and Cultural Expressions
分類: Literary studies: from c 1900 - ,
Science fiction ,
Migration, immigration & emigration ,
Black & Asian studies  
書城編號: 28915012

售價: $257.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Bloomsbury Publishing (USA)
出版日期: 2024/11/14
頁數: 256
ISBN: 9798765114681
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In this vibrant and approachable book, award-winning writers of black speculative fiction bring together excerpts from their work and creative reflections on futurisms with original essays.Features an introduction by Suyi Okungbowa.Afro-Centered Futurisms in Our Speculative Fiction showcases creative-critical essays that negotiate genre bending and black speculative fiction with writerly practice. As Afrodecendant peoples with lived experience from the continent, award-winning authors use their intrinsic voices in critical conversations on Afrofuturism and Afro-centered futurisms. By engaging with difference, they present a new kind of African study that is an evaluative gaze at African history, African spirituality, Afrosurrealism, "becoming," black radical imagination, cultural identity, decolonizing queerness, myths, linguistic cosmologies, and more. Contributing authors - Aline-Mwezi Niyonsenga, Cheryl S. Ntumy, Dilman Dila, Eugen Bacon, Nerine Dorman, Nuzo Onoh, Shingai Njeri Kagunda, Stephen Embleton, Suyi Okungbowa, Tobi Ogundiran and Xan van Rooyen - offer boldly hybrid chapters (both creative and scholarly) that interface Afrocentric artefacts and exegesis. Through ethnographic reflections and intense scrutinies of African fiction, these writers contribute open and diverse reflections of Afro-centered futurisms. The authors in Afro-Centered Futurisms in Our Speculative Fiction feature in major genre and literary awards, including the Bram Stoker, World Fantasy, British Fantasy, Locus, Ignyte, Nommo, Philip K. Dick, Shirley Jackson and Otherwise Awards, among others. They are also intrinsic partners in a vital conversation on the rise of black speculative fiction that explores diversity and social (in)justice, charting poignant stories with black hero/ines who remake their worlds in color zones of their own image.
Black Literary and Cultural Expressions

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Bacon Eugen Bacon 作者作品表

eBook: Afro-Centered Futurisms in Our Speculative Fiction (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Afro-Centered Futurisms in Our Speculative Fiction (DRM PDF)

eBook: Writing Speculative Fiction: Creative and Critical Approaches (DRM EPUB)

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