eBook: Shop: Where Culture Shapes Up (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Ernest Wilkins 
書城編號: 28915766

售價: $234.00

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製造商: Insight Editions
出版日期: 2024/10/15
頁數: 216
ISBN: 9798886634273

Experience The Shop as never before through behind-the-scenes anecdotes, insights from the hosts and guests, stunning photography, and unforgettable quotes from culture-leading athletes, artists, and entrepreneursall giving an in-depth look at the real, unfiltered, empowering conversations that only happen within the walls of The Shop.You've watched them talk, laugh, and debate on The Shop, a show The New Yorker called, ';entertainment at its finest.' Now, take a step behind the scenes with hosts LeBron James, Maverick Carter, and Paul ';PR' Rivera in The Shop, a book that chronicles the candid moments and conversations. "The Shop isn't just about people talking to each other. It's deeper. It's about the things that shape us, the battles we fight, and the journey we're all on... Over the years, we've peeled back the curtain, showing the world that athletes, artists, and entertainers are more than sound bites.' - LeBron James via the foreword of The Shop: Where Culture Shapes Up. GUEST LIST: Relive the discussions and debates between LeBron James, Maverick Carter, Paul ';PR' Rivera and celebrities from the world of sports, entertainment, and politics, such as Bad Bunny, Tom Brady, Teyana Taylor, Rich Paul, A'ja Wilsom, Pharrell, Chloe Bailey, and more. SHOP SECRETS: Featuring brand-new stories and thought-provoking quotes to give you the full The Shop experience. ';We've always viewed The Shop as more than a show. The Shop has become a community empowerment platform," said Paul Rivera, co-creator. ';This book features quotes and photography from some of the most iconic artists, athletes & entertainers in a real and unfiltered way you've come to expect inside The Shop.' GORGEOUS GIFT: Includes stunning, many never-before-seen photos from the set presented in a beautifully bound book, making this an excellent gift for any fans of The Shop, sports enthusiasts, or lovers of culture, or unfiltered conversations about sports, music, and more!
Ernest Wilkins 作者作品表

eBook: Shop: Where Culture Shapes Up (DRM EPUB)

Shop: Shaping Culture -- One Cut at a Time (Hardcover)

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