eBook: Know Your Dog's True Nature: Understanding Canine Personality through the Five Elements (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Elizabeth Anne Johnson, Allen Schoen 
分類: Dogs as pets  
書城編號: 28916178

售價: $182.00

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製造商: Inner Traditions/Bear & Company
出版日期: 2024/09/10
頁數: 192
ISBN: 9798888500651
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*; Looks at each dog element archetype individually, exploring their personality strengths and weaknesses, emotional defaults, how they react under stress, what makes them happy, and their potential physical ailments and conditions*; Offers holistic practices to help support each elemental dog type at any stage of life, including diagrams of acupressure points that can help*; Includes element archetype quizzes to determine your dog's type as well as your ownDO YOU EVER WONDER why your canine friend behaves the way they do? With sensitivity and skill, master animal healer Elizabeth Anne Johnson takes you into the body, mind, and heart of the dogsharing intimate stories of working dogs who are changing the world, rescue dogs who change us, old dogs offering profound wisdom, and humans making the world a better place.Introducing the five element archetypes of the Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water Dog, Know Your Dog's True Nature illuminates practical ways to gain insigh into the unique personalities of your animal companion. As you explore the similarities and dynamics between dog and human, you'll come to appreciate the mutually supportive structures and richness in your relationships, an understanding that helps to create a peaceful and happy home environment for all. In this guide you will find:*; five element archetype quizzes for both dogs and humans*; a fresh perspective on a dog's elemental stressors, behaviors, wants, and needs*; easy acupressure techniques for balancing each element*; a unique lens on old dogs and rescue dogs*; supportive lifestyle measures and life lessons from the other end of the leashElizabeth's stories and adventures from a lifetime of animal healing and many dog partners will tickle your heart, mind, and empathy, and create a safe and sacred container for your own trek with your beloved companion.

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