In a world where technology and social pressures dominate the lives of teenagers, sleep has become an often-overlooked casualty. "Sleepless Youth: Understanding and Overcoming Teenage Sleep Deprivation" delves into the root causes of the sleep crisis affecting today's adolescents and offers actionable solutions for parents, educators, and teens themselves. Drawing on the latest research in sleep science and psychology, this comprehensive guide explores the myriad factors contributing to chronic sleep deprivation among teenagers. From the blue light emitted by screens to the ever-increasing academic demands, the book unpacks the complex web of influences disrupting healthy sleep patterns. "Sleepless Youth" doesn't just highlight the problem; it provides practical, evidence-based strategies to combat sleep deprivation. Learn how to create a sleep-friendly environment, develop effective bedtime routines, and balance the demands of modern life with the necessity of rest. Whether you're a concerned parent, a dedicated educator, or a teenager seeking better sleep, "Sleepless Youth" is your guide to reclaiming the night and fostering a healthier, more rested generation.