eBook: Concise History of the Middle East (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Ibrahim Al-Marashi, Arthur Goldschmidt Jr. 
分類: Regional studies ,
Middle Eastern history ,
Society & culture: general ,
Politics & government ,
International relations ,
Economics ,
書城編號: 28935745

售價: $455.00

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製造商: Taylor & Francis
出版日期: 2024/10/07
頁數: 488
ISBN: 9781040108680
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A Concise History of the Middle East provides a comprehensive introduction to the history of this region. Spanning from the pre-Islamic era to the present, it explores the evolution of Middle Eastern institutions and culture, the influence of European colonialism and Western imperialism, regional modernization efforts, the struggle of various peoples for political independence, the Arab-Israeli conflict, the reassertion of Islamist values and power, the issues surrounding the Palestinian Question, and the Middle East following 9/11, the 2011 Arab uprisings, and the regional crisis that erupted after 7 October 2023.The thirteenth edition has been fully revised to reflect the most recent events in, and concerns of, the region, including its future in the face of climate change and challenges in Iraq, and developments in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. In addition, the important role of Middle Eastern women in the history of the region is woven into the narrative. New parts and part timelines will help students grasp and contextualize the long and complicated history of the region.With updated biographical sketches and a new concluding chapter, this book remains the quintessential text for students of Middle East history.

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eBook: Historical Dictionary of Egypt (DRM PDF)

eBook: Historical Dictionary of Egypt (DRM EPUB)

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