Domestic Violence and Criminal Justice (Second Edition) offers readers an overview of domestic violence and its effects on society and includes helpful measures to curtail its rapid growth and widespread harm. Geared toward the criminal justice system, this newly revised and updated edition focuses on civil and criminal justice processes, from securing a restraining order to completing an arrest, to the final disposition.Fostering critical thinking in readers, the book covers the extent and nature of domestic violence and intimate partner violence (IPV) in its many forms and delves into the systemic responses to such violence during the COVID-19 era. Going beyond exploring the reactive efforts of policing and prosecution, this edition offers an expanded emphasis on the underpinnings and effectiveness of prevention and intervention, including data on the operations and challenges of domestic violence shelters, and a much-needed focus on victim services, victim advocacy, and social work involvement.This text is ideal for courses in criminal justice, criminology, social work, and sociology. Students will find this text readable, up-to-date, and rich in historical detail.