eBook: At the Vanishing Point in History: Critical Perspectives on the Russia-Ukraine War (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Marina F. Bykova 
分類: Social & cultural history ,
History of Western philosophy ,
Ethics & moral philosophy ,
Social & political philosophy ,
Russia ,
書城編號: 28936627

售價: $269.00

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製造商: Bloomsbury Publishing
出版日期: 2024/11/14
頁數: 360
ISBN: 9781350438330
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Putin's war has meant the return of the Russian intelligentsia-a concept that was all but dead in the first decade of the 2000s. At the Vanishing Point in History brings together distinguished humanities scholars and prominent novelists to examine the roots and causes of the unfolding catastrophe in Eastern Europe.Well-versed in Russian culture, history, and philosophical thought, this distinguished group of Russian migr s seek to explore the past to understand the present. They are guided by a belief that it is incumbent upon them, as experts of the internal working of Russian society who have fled Russia, to carefully assess the current crisis, to reflect on its causes, and set the goals for future research in the humanities. Responding to this challenge they bring together a collection of analytic essays that provide needed background and context for the events unfolding in Europe.Today's Russia is perhaps the most representative example of tyranny's threat to global civilization. In its vicious assault on Ukraine, the hostile Putin regime holds not merely Russians but all of humanity hostage. The atrocities being done in Ukraine in the name of the Russian world make it urgent to thoroughly examine Russia's present political pursuit in order to understand its real roots and the way out of it.
Marina F. Bykova 作者作品表

At the Vanishing Point in History: Critical Perspectives on the Russian-Ukraine War (Paperback)

At the Vanishing Point in History: Critical Perspectives on the Russian-Ukraine War (Hardcover)

eBook: At the Vanishing Point in History: Critical Perspectives on the Russia-Ukraine War (DRM PDF)

eBook: At the Vanishing Point in History: Critical Perspectives on the Russia-Ukraine War (DRM EPUB)

Hegel's Philosophy of Nature: A Critical Guide (Hardcover)

The Bloomsbury Handbook of Fichte (Paperback)

The German Idealism Reader
Ideas, Responses, and Legacy (hardcover)

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