eBook: Architecting Resilient Systems (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Scott Jackson 
分類: Electronics & communications engineering  
書城編號: 28936863

售價: $1286.00

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製造商: Wiley
出版日期: 2024/09/17
ISBN: 9781394258222

A comprehensive text that investigates a systematic approach to handling the design of resilient systems Resilient systems are an essential bulwark to enable the capability of a system against unprecedented adversities. Systems may include transportation, such as aircraft and rail, power systems, and urban infrastructure. Resilience may enable the preservation of physical assets and human lives. It can also require architectural restructuring of the system itself or simple measures, such an increase in design margin. Architecting Resilient Systems creates a comprehensive list of design principles for creating systems where resilience is essential. With a detailed approach to both these general principles and their practical applications, it permits the creation and management of resilient systems in virtually any key area or industry. Richly supported with case evidence and fully updated to reflect the latest research and best practice, it s a critical tool in the fight against potential societal collapse. Readers of the second edition of Architecting Resilient Systems will also find: Numerous case studies including Apollo 11 and US Airways Flight 1549Detailed discussion of design principles including drift protection, repairability, loose coupling, and more Supporting chapters on resilience architecting and infrastructure Architecting Resilient Systems is ideal for professionals working in industry responsible for systems design and architecting as well as for undergraduate and graduate students studying systems engineering courses.
Scott Jackson 作者作品表

eBook: Architecting Resilient Systems (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Architecting Resilient Systems (DRM PDF)

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