eBook: On Blackness, Liveliness, and What It Means to Be Human: Toward Black Specificity in Higher Education (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Wilson Kwamogi Okello 
系列: SUNY series, Critical Race Studies in Education
分類: Ethnic studies ,
Black & Asian studies ,
Philosophy & theory of education ,
Education: care & counselling of students ,
Organization & management of education ,
Students & student organisations ,
Higher & further education, tertiary education ,
Advice on education  
書城編號: 28937003

售價: $454.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: State University of New York Press
出版日期: 2024/10/01
頁數: 304
ISBN: 9781438499666
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In "No Humans Involved: An Open Letter to My Colleagues," Jamaican writer and theorist Sylvia Wynter critiques the social and human sciences for perpetuating social hierarchies, particularly through the Western humanist framing of "Man" as the universal representation of humanity. Human development theories revolve around this concept, necessitating acquiescence to the category Man to claim humanity. But Blackness complicates and unsettles these terms in ways the fields of higher education and educational research are in many ways just beginning to confront.On Blackness, Liveliness, and What It Means to Be Human extends Wynter's critique to human development and academic knowledge production, arguing that Black specificity can create new possibilities for Black being. Wilson Kwamogi Okello closely examines holistic development theory, aiming not to reform but to reimagine the "self" it presupposes. Taking what he describes as a multimodal and multisensory approach, Okello engages a chorus of writers, thinkers, and cultural workers-Baldwin, Bambara, Brand, Hartman, Lorde, Sharpe, Spillers, Wilderson, and more-to reframe Blackness as a social, political, and historical matrix, going beyond the study of Black experiences, biology, or culture. Punctuated throughout by stunning images from artist Mikael Owunna's "Infinite Essence" series, the book proposes and enacts a methodological attunement to Blackness that can guide theory, policy, and practice toward an alternative praxis for the benefit of Black living.
SUNY series, Critical Race Studies in Education

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Wilson Kwamogi Okello 作者作品表

On Blackness, Liveliness, and What It Means to Be Human: Toward Black Specificity in Higher Education (Hardcover)

eBook: On Blackness, Liveliness, and What It Means to Be Human: Toward Black Specificity in Higher Education (DRM EPUB)

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