eBook: Coming Home: A Hopi Resistance Story (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Mavasta Honyouti 
分類: People & places (Children's / Teenage) ,
Personal & social issues: family issues (Children's / Teenage) ,
書城編號: 28937677

原價: HK$156.00
現售: HK$148.2 節省: HK$7.8

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製造商: Levine Querido
出版日期: 2024/11/05
頁數: 40
ISBN: 9781646144839
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From master Hopi woodcarver Mavasta Honyouti, the story of his grandfather's experience at a residential boarding school and how he returned home to pass their traditions down to future generations. When Mavasta Honyouti was a boy he would go with his grandfather to their cornfield, watching him nurture every plant. During breaks, his grandfather would take out a piece of paako root and use his pocketknife to whittle away. He made beautiful carvings that Mavasta would later learn to do himself. But Mavasta would often wonder: what was his kwa'a like when he was a boy? And one day, he heard the story. Mavasta's grandfather, like many Native American children across the country in the late 19th and early 20th century, was forced to leave his Hopi reservation as a child and go to a residential boarding school far away. There, the government cut his hair, punished him for speaking his native language, and gave him a new name. But Mavastas grandfather never forgot who he was or where he came from and he tried to escape again and again. Finally, he made it back to their reservation. In later years, Mavasta's kwa'a chose a simple life, taking great care of his family just like he took great care of his plants. His son and later his grandson became acclaimed Hopi katsina woodcarvers, just like him. Coming Home: A Hopi Resistance Story is a deeply personal book written in both English and Hopi that features sixteen stunning original painted wood carvings. It is an unforgettable testament to one man rising above a painful piece of history to keep the light of his family and culture alive.
Mavasta Honyouti 作者作品表

Coming Home: A Hopi Resistance Story (Hardcover)

eBook: Coming Home: A Hopi Resistance Story (DRM PDF)

eBook: Coming Home: A Hopi Resistance Story (DRM EPUB)

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