Cynthia's autobiography, "Stripped," unfolds as a powerful tale of resilience and renewal. She courageously narrates her journey through the highs and lows, a testament to the unyielding human spirit. In the raw chapters of "Stripped," Cynthia candidly shares her experience of hitting rock bottom multiple times, stark moments that propelled her into a journey of detox-both physically and spiritually. The narrative gracefully intertwines the concept that God works in mysterious ways, guiding her through the maze of dysfunction towards a place of newfound strength. Amid desperation, Cynthia discovers the power of surrender, choosing to let go and rebuild. As the title suggests, Stripped is not just a story of unraveling but also of redemption and rebuilding -a courageous choice to shed the layers that no longer serve and to construct a life deeply rooted in faith. With each turn of the page, readers witness the transformation from a life once in turmoil to one consciously chosen and built. Cynthia s narrative echoes the essence of choosing surrender, finding grace in forgiveness, and ultimately constructing a healthy life with God at its core. Stripped is an intimate journey that resonates with the extensive matters of survival, redemption, and the beauty that emerges when one chooses to rebuild from the ground up.