eBook: Out of the Drowing Deep (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: A.C Wise 
分類: Crime & mystery ,
Classic science fiction  
書城編號: 28938382

原價: HK$130.00
現售: HK$123.5 節省: HK$6.5

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製造商: Titan Books
出版日期: 2024/09/03
ISBN: 9781803369839

In a future where mortals mingle with the gods in deep space, an out-of-date automaton, a recovering addict, and an angel try to solve the pope's murder. Dreamy, beautifully written science-fantasy with a devastating queer love-story at its heart, for fans of Becky Chambers, Gideon the Ninth, and This is How You Lose the Time War. Scribe IV is an obsolete automaton, peacefully whiling away his years on the Bastion, a secluded monastery in an abandoned corner of the galaxy. But when the visiting Pope is found murdered, Scribe IV knows he has very little time before the terrifying Sisters of the Drowned Deep rise up to punish the Bastion's residents for their crime. Quin, a recovering drug addict turned private investigator, picks up a scrambled signal from the Bastion and agrees to take the case. Traumatized by a bizarre experience in his childhood, Quin repeatedly feeds his memories to his lover, the angel Murmuration. But fragmented glimpses of an otherworldly horror he calls the crawling dark continue to haunt his dreams. Meanwhile in Heaven, an angel named Angel hears Scribe IV's prayer. Intrigued by the idea of solving a crime with mortals, xe descends to offer xer divine assistance (whether those mortals want it or not). With the Drowned Sisters closing in around the Bastion, Scribe IV, Quin, and Angel race to find out who really murdered the Pope, and why. Quin's missing memories may hold the key to the case but is remembering worth the price?
A.C Wise 作者作品表

Out of the Drowning Deep (Hardcover)

eBook: Out of the Drowing Deep (DRM EPUB)

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