eBook: What Next for Africa's Higher Education? (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Fred Awaah 
分類: African history ,
Ethnic studies ,
Educational strategies & policy ,
Higher & further education, tertiary education ,
書城編號: 28938439

售價: $1378.00

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製造商: Ethics International Press
出版日期: 2024/09/16
頁數: 301
ISBN: 9781804415702

The African Union Commission, as part of its strategic agenda for the continent of Africa (Agenda 2063) carved out the Continental Education Strategy for Africa (CESA 2016-2025). This 10-year strategic plan for Africa's higher education ends in 2025. This collection is a review of the gains made, and a critique of the strategy since its inception in 2016, with its aim to proffer workable initiatives for the African higher education space post-2025. Topics addressed include: Technology and how it will shape Africa's higher education post-2025;African Cultural perspectives; contextualising African education; and the 21st century skills and attributes required as outcomes from higher education in Africa. Key audiences include Higher Education researchers and managers in Africa and beyond; the Association of African Universities (the implementing body of the CESA), policy makers with an interest in Africa's' higher education, and multinational bodies including the UN, the European Union, and the African Union Commission.
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