eBook: Sound Formations: Towards a Sociological Thinking-with Sounds (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Remy Bocquillon 
系列: Sozialtheorie
分類: Sociology  
書城編號: 28943435

原價: HK$1202.00
現售: HK$1141.9 節省: HK$60.1

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製造商: Transcript Verlag
出版日期: 2022/07/27
頁數: 212
ISBN: 9783839463307

Is it possible to work with sound in sociology rather than being about sound? Can there be a sonic sociology ? Remy Bocquillon reflects on the process-oriented character of sociology as an experimental science by including aesthetic practices of sounding and listening as constitutive for the making of sociological theory. Following new materialist and speculative philosophies, this study is thus a combination of sociological theory, philosophical thought and aesthetic practices, not understood as discrete fields of inquiry, but co-constituting each other. It also features an audio chapter, feeding-back the sonic experimentations at the core of the research in new and engaging ways.

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Remy Bocquillon 作者作品表

eBook: Sound Formations: Towards a Sociological Thinking-with Sounds (DRM PDF)

Sound Formations: Towards a Sociological Thinking-with Sounds (Paperback)

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