Candy Cain Kills Again: The Second Slaying (Paperback)
作者: Brian McAuley 
書城編號: 28949689

原價: HK$140.00
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出版社: Independent Cat
出版日期: 2024/11/12
重量: 0.15 kg
ISBN: 9781959565444


She's making a list... and chopping it twice!

After surviving the horrors of Christmas Eve at the Thornton house, Austin, Mateo and Fiona head to the Church of Nodland to get some confessions from Pastor Wendell and his congregation. Little do they know that Candy Cain is coming to town to wish one and all a very merry axe-mas!

Brian McAuley 作者作品表

eBook: Candy Cain Kills Again: The Second Slaying: Killer VHS Series, #5 (DRM EPUB)

Candy Cain Kills Again: The Second Slaying (Paperback)

Candy Cain Kills (Paperback)

eBook: Candy Cain Kills (DRM EPUB)

Curse of the Reaper (MP3 CD)

Curse of the Reaper (Compact Disc)

eBook: Curse of the Reaper: A Novel (DRM EPUB)

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