Marblehead Mistake (Hardcover)
作者: Bill Rita 
書城編號: 28951924

原價: HK$380.00
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出版社: Archway Pub
出版日期: 2024/09/11
重量: 0.51 kg
ISBN: 9781665762366

A series of unexplained high value jewel thefts catches the attention of Private Investigator Andrea Roccio. The innovative robbery methods are similar, but the victims' descriptions of the undisguised thieved are all completely different. Things go astray when one theft victim is actually part of an organized crime family, setting off a series of events that lead to a war between Detroit and Philadelphia mafia crime bosses, each claiming innocence while injuring the other. The chaos sends people fleeing to Canada, Florida, and Mexico. Andrea's dogged determination puts her in a position of fearing for her own life. She then sets a trap for an unexpected source who suddenly sheds new light on an already confusing situation, with so many different yet intertwined perpetrators. Following the new leads, while the crime bosses use unique ways to escape the law, the pursuits continue to an unexpected ending.
Bill Rita 作者作品表

eBook: Marblehead Mistake (DRM EPUB)

Marblehead Mistake (Hardcover)

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