The Clean's Boodle Boodle Boodle (Paperback)
作者: Geoff Stahl 
系列: 33 1/3 Oceania
分類: Music reviews & criticism ,
Rock & Pop music ,
World music ,
Individual composers & musicians, specific bands & groups  
書城編號: 28954823

售價: $230.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 18-25 天

出版社: Bloomsbury Publishing USA
出版日期: 2025/01/09 (快將出版)
頁數: 160
尺寸: 197 x 127 mm
ISBN: 9798765106389


In this critical appraisal of The Clean's landmark release, Boodle Boodle Boodle, Geoff Stahl explores how it impacted the emergence of a new DIY scene alongside a retrospective on the role The Clean played in shaping New Zealand's independent music industry.

The Clean's 1981 EP catalysed independent music in Aotearoa/New Zealand and defined what became known as the "Dunedin Sound". At the time, The Clean were seen as ambassadors for a burgeoning independent music culture in Aotearoa, drawing on the DIY spirit of punk and post-punk centred around Dunedin, on New Zealand's South Island. Geoff Stahl considers the influence and legacy of the EP and band on indie music in New Zealand and elsewhere. Examining the myth of the "Dunedin Sound" associated with The Clean, the EP, and Flying Nun Records, he details how this myth emerged, its repudiation by many of the artists it presumes to cover, and its complicated persistence in the contemporary New Zealand imaginary.

33 1/3 Oceania

John Sangster's The Lord of the Rings, Vols. 1-3 (Paperback)

John Sangster's The Lord of the Rings, Vols. 1-3 (Hardcover)

The Avalanches' Since I Left You (Hardcover)

The Clean's Boodle Boodle Boodle (Paperback)

The Avalanches' Since I Left You (Paperback)

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eBook: Soundtrack from Saturday Night Fever (DRM PDF)

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eBook: Screamfeeder's Kitten Licks (DRM EPUB)

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eBook: Hilltop Hoods' The Calling (DRM PDF)

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... [顯示此系列所有商品]

Geoff Stahl 作者作品表

The Clean's Boodle Boodle Boodle (Hardcover)

The Clean's Boodle Boodle Boodle (Paperback)

The Bloomsbury Handbook of Popular Music, Space and Place (Paperback)

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