The Mindful Path to Intimacy: Cultivating a Deeper Connection with Your Partner (Paperback)
作者: James V. Cordova 
分類: Counselling & advice services ,
書城編號: 28968329

售價: $200.00

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出版社: Guilford Publications
出版日期: 2024/03/10
頁數: 232
尺寸: 229 x 152 mm
ISBN: 9781462547654

Lots of couples are comfortable, but are they close? How often do you or your partner binge-watch TV alone at night, instead of cuddling on the couch? And what happened to those meaningful conversations, sharing innermost thoughts? Psychologist James Cordova knows that in a world filled with distractions and busy schedules, many couples struggle to maintain genuine closeness and understanding. In this empathic guide, he reveals how the transformative power of mindfulness can support stronger, more vibrant intimate relationships. We all yearn to feel wholly known and accepted. Through guided exercises, journaling prompts, and heartfelt stories, learn how to be truly present with your partner, resolve conflicts, and connect on a deeper level--both physically and emotionally.
James V. Cordova 作者作品表

The Mindful Path to Intimacy: Cultivating a Deeper Connection with Your Partner (Paperback)

The Mindful Path to Intimacy: Cultivating a Deeper Connection with Your Partner (Hardcover)

eBook: Marriage Checkup: A Scientific Program for Sustaining and Strengthening Marital Health (DRM PDF)

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