On Acquiring Wisdom: A Reincarnational Perspective (Paperback)
作者: Peter Calvert 
書城編號: 28968601

售價: $160.00

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出版社: Independent Cat
出版日期: 2024/11/01
重量: 0.19 kg
ISBN: 9781067014230


Traditionally, acquiring wisdom has involved becoming wise in the ways of the world and developing deep insight into what drives human existence. Notable among the wise in the Western tradition are Solomon, in whose name Jewish wisdom literature was composed, and Pythagoras, whose enquiries led him to invent the word philosophy, a composite of two Greek words, philo (love) and sophia (wisdom). Pythagorean philosophy has two major themes: that number, not divine power, structures the world, and that we reincarnate repeatedly with the goal of acquiring wisdom.

On Acquiring Wisdom is a philosophic work in the Pythagorean sense, written to accord with our contemporary outlook. The discussions include using current terminology to redefine how we acquire wisdom, examining our purpose in reincarnating, weighing how our search for ecstasy, intimacy, serenity and balance are impeded and fostered, and the role of moral judgement in evaluating life choices. Models, some utilising number, show how progress may be identified and measured. Comment is also offered on post-death choices and the reluctance of some to disconnect themselves from their most recent life.

This is a book for those who are looking for a deep dive into what propels their existence. It is a thought-provoking work that combines metaphysical insights with pragmatic observations. The insights are sourced from a collective of human beings who have completed their incarnational cycles and are sharing their thoughts on humanity's spiritual dimension.

Peter Calvert 作者作品表

On Acquiring Wisdom: A Reincarnational Perspective (Paperback)

The Kosmic Web: Our spiritual and evolutionary place in the multiverse (Hardcover)

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eBook: Guatemala: A Nation In Turmoil (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Latin America in the Twentieth Century (DRM PDF)

eBook: Political and Economic Dictionary of Latin America (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Political and Economic Dictionary of Latin America (DRM PDF)

eBook: Political and Economic Dictionary of Latin America (DRM PDF)

eBook: Latin America in the Twentieth Century (DRM PDF)

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