Dear Henchman (Paperback)
作者: Alyssa Roat 
書城編號: 28978951

售價: $190.00

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出版社: Torchflame Books
出版日期: 2024/10/29
重量: 0.47 kg
ISBN: 9781611535877


Kevin and Himari didn't plan to be heroes.

Henchmen and sidekicks aren't supposed to fall in love. Or save the world. They're supposed to brew coffee, take pics of their hero or villain for social media, and stay in the background.

That was the plan for sidekick slash frat boy Kevin and henchwoman slash tech genius Himari, until a taxidermy-collecting villain robs Kevin's hero of his powers and leaves Himari's villain wounded. Now it's up to the sidekicks and henchmen to save the world.

Without powers, they'll go up against the Shadow Assassins (a deadly organization that can't work a PowerPoint to save their lives), road trips slash kidnappings, and weird initiation rituals that may or may not involve singing campfire songs. Himari and Kevin will battle the odds, their insecurities, and a strangely polite Midwestern villain as they discover if they have what it takes to profess their love through Mexican food metaphors-and save the world from a nuclear disaster.

The sequel to Dear Hero, this darkly humorous chat fiction novel told entirely through texts, transcriptions, and direct messages goes behind the scenes of the superworld.

Alyssa Roat 作者作品表

Dear Hero: Every Hero Needs a Villain, Every Villain Needs a Hero (Paperback)

Dear Henchman (Paperback)

Getting Reel (Paperback)

Castelon (Paperback)

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