Pictures Of Sweden (Paperback)
作者: Hans Christian Andersen 
書城編號: 28979864

原價: HK$160.00
現售: HK$152 節省: HK$8

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出版社: Double 9 Bookslip
出版日期: 2024/05/01
重量: 0.15 kg
ISBN: 9789363058712
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"Pictures of Sweden" by Hans Christian Andersen offers enchanting vignettes of Sweden's landscapes, people, and culture, showcasing Andersen's remarkable talent for storytelling and observation. In this travelogue, Andersen invites readers to accompany him on his journey through Sweden, capturing the essence of the country through his keen eye for detail and vivid descriptions. Through a series of picturesque scenes and encounters with locals, Andersen paints a vivid portrait of Sweden, from its bustling cities to its tranquil countryside. He shares anecdotes and insights, revealing the beauty and quirks of Swedish life, while also reflecting on universal themes of human nature and society. As Andersen traverses the Swedish landscape, he encounters a diverse array of characters, each offering a unique perspective on their homeland. From fishermen to farmers, from royalty to common folk, Andersen's encounters offer a glimpse into the rich tapestry of Swedish society. With its charming prose and evocative imagery, "Pictures of Sweden" transports readers to another time and place, inviting them to explore the wonders of Sweden alongside one of the world's most beloved storytellers. Seamlessly blending travelogue with storytelling, Andersen's work remains a timeless classic, appealing to readers of all ages and backgrounds.
Hans Christian Andersen 作者作品表

The Little Mermaid Classic Pop-up and Play (Hardcover)

Hans Christian Andersen's Fairy Tales (Hardcover)

Hans Christian Andersen Tales (Paperback)

The Little Mermaid Colouring Book (Paperback)

The Little Mermaid and Other Tales (Hardcover)

The Snow Queen (Hardcover)

Hans Christian Andersen Fairy Tales (Collector's Edition) (Hardcover)

Hans Christian Andersen's Fairy Tales: Retold by Naomi Lewis (Paperback)

The Little Mermaid and Other Tales (Other book format)

Rudy and Babette (Paperback)

Stories from Hans Andersen (Paperback)

The Sand-Hills of Jutland (Paperback)

The Ice-Maiden and Other Tales (Paperback)

eBook: Wild Swans and Other Tales (mp3 zips)

eBook: Snow Queen and Other Tales (mp3 zips)

Andersen's Fairy Tales (Paperback)

Pictures Of Sweden (Paperback)

eBook: Pictures of Sweden (DRM EPUB)

The Hans Christian Andersen Collection (Compact Disc)

The Hans Christian Andersen Collection (MP3 CD)

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