The Observatory Experiment: Meteorology in Britain and Its Empire (Hardcover)
作者: Simon Naylor 
系列: Science in History
分類: Historical geography ,
History of science ,
Astronomical observation: observatories, equipment & methods ,
Meteorology & climatology ,
United Kingdom, Great Britain  
書城編號: 28980747

售價: $1100.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 18-25 天

出版社: Cambridge University Press
出版日期: 2024/10/10
頁數: 285
尺寸: 235 x 157 x 20 mm
重量: 580 grams
ISBN: 9781009207232

In this innovative history of the science of meteorology, Simon Naylor focuses on the spaces in which it was pursued: meteorological observatories. Using previously understudied archival material, he reconstructs these sites and the research carried out in them, in doing so treating meteorology as an experimental observatory science.
Science in History

The Observatory Experiment: Meteorology in Britain and Its Empire (Hardcover)

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Science in History: Volume 1: The Emergence of Science (Main) (Paperback)

Simon Naylor 作者作品表

The Observatory Experiment: Meteorology in Britain and Its Empire (Hardcover)

New Spaces of Exploration (Paperback)

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