Queer and Feminist Relationships in Contemporary Fiction: Concepts, Practices, and Aesthetics in Romance Cultures (Paperback)
作者: Teresa Hiergeist 
書城編號: 28981977

售價: $550.00

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出版社: Transcript Verlag
出版日期: 2024/11/27
ISBN: 9783837673425

Relationships play a crucial role in feminist and queer fictions of the 21st century, whether we think of the connection among the artists and between them and their audience or the interaction of the characters or different modes of writing. The contributors to this volume analyze and map these friendly, amorous, sexual, political and artistic contacts within and around contemporary fictions of Romance cultures. They show how these works question, challenge and rethink circulating concepts of relationships and implement them aesthetically. This volume integrates contributions from feminist, queer and decolonial studies just as sociology of art.
Teresa Hiergeist 作者作品表

Queer and Feminist Relationships in Contemporary Fiction: Concepts, Practices, and Aesthetics in Romance Cultures (Paperback)

Ladies in Arms: Women, Guns, and Feminisms in Contemporary Popular Culture (Paperback)

Bürgerschrecken!: Antibürgerliche Ästhetiken Und Diskurse in Der Romania (1870-1939) (1. Aufl. 2022) (Paperback)

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