The Kingpin Saga (Paperback)
作者: Leon 
書城編號: 28983727

售價: $64.00

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出版社: Independent Cat
出版日期: 2024/06/18
重量: 0.16 kg
ISBN: 9798227618092


This collection of short stories tells the tale of heroin addiction, college romance, and gripping past realities of a single mother and her children and grandchildren, who must suffer through their own potentially-greater losses.

Leon 作者作品表

The Kingpin Saga (Paperback)

The Green Future: Green Living and Taking Action on Climate Change (Paperback)

The Kingpin Saga (Paperback)

eBook: Los Tarascos: Notas Historicas, Etnicas y Antropologicas, Comprendiendo Desde los Tiempos Precolombinos Hasta los Actuales (DRM PDF)


Erp demystified (paperback) (ed 3)

Enterprise resource planning (paperback) (ed 3)

eBook: Beyond Time and Space: Love Poems for the Body, Heart, Mind and Soul (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Sex Fiends, Perverts, and Pedophiles (DRM PDF)

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