It's Watching (Library Binding)
作者: Lindsay Currie 
書城編號: 28985006

售價: $210.00

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出版社: Delacorte Pr
出版日期: 2025/02/04 (快將出版)
重量: 0.57 kg
ISBN: 9780593811641

A chilling middle school novel from the New York Times bestselling author of Mystery of Locked Rooms, three kids must discover who--or what--is terrorizing them after receiving an ominous meme on Halloween night.

"A creepy, freaky, fun-as-anything tale."--Chuck Wendig, New York Times bestselling author of Dust & Grim

On Halloween night, Josie and her two best friends, Jackson and Alison, sneak into the infamously haunted Bachelor's Grove cemetery. They are hoping to prove the existence of a famous ghost to secure coveted editorial spots on the school newspaper. Instead, they are chased out by a security guard before they gather any evidence...or so they think.

Later, a sinister meme appears on their phones. It's an image of the "phantom farmhouse," an evil apparition rumored to appear to unlucky visitors at Bachelor's Grove--luring them in...and never letting them out--with the words I'm watching dripping down the screen.

Soon, strange and scary things begin to happen all around them. When a second meme from the same number arrives, this time with a countdown, they realize they have only three days to figure out who is terrorizing them. As they investigate, the trio must use their journalistic skills to uncover the truth, or risk becoming a part of the graveyard's sinister past forever.

Lindsay Currie 作者作品表

It's Watching (Library Binding)

The Mystery of Locked Rooms (Paperback)

It Found Us (Paperback)

The Mystery of Locked Rooms (MP3 CD)

The Mystery of Locked Rooms (Compact Disc)

The Mystery of Locked Rooms (Hardcover)

It Found Us (Compact Disc)

It Found Us (MP3 CD)

It Found Us (Hardcover)

The Girl in White (Paperback)

The Girl in White (Compact Disc)

The Girl in White (MP3 CD)

What Lives in the Woods (Compact Disc)

What Lives in the Woods (MP3 CD)

The Peculiar Incident on Shady Street (Reprint) (paperback)

The Peculiar Incident on Shady Street (Hardcover)

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